How to Live the Best Life

Your mind is as important as the rest of your body, and it's important that you practice good mental health. This includes meeting your emotional needs. Feeling emotionally well can help you see positive changes in the rest of your life. You can improve your mental health by surrounding yourself with people that you trust and making sure that you are comfortable in your surroundings.

Preciousness of the Human Mind

Every living being has its own mind including plants, trees, animals and humans. Mind is a non-element in an elemental structure connecting the brain and the body. In a plant, brain is in the root getting signals through the mind.

Best way to Discipline your Child

We want our children to learn from their mistakes and not repeat them. So the natural thought is to send them to the “time out” corner or up to their room to “think about what they've done.” Except they don't. And they're going to keep doing the same behavior despite the punishment. So how do you know how to discipline your child?

How everyone can lead a stress free life in this world?

Life is becoming increasingly stressful to everyone in this world irrespective of whether they belong to the affluent class, skilled or the unskilled labour force. The primary cause of mental stress in human beings is due to taking up overloaded commitments. When people are required to work beyond their capacities invariably undergo stress straining the body, brain and mind. The unskilled workers, knowing their limitations try to avoid taking up stressful works.